SuiteCRM 全功能,不限用户
SuiteCRM 与 Salesforce 和 Dynamics 一样强大,具有更高的技术独立性和定制性。业务咨询与服务,请联系:188-9654-1629
Suite CRM $mod_strings
, $app_strings
和 $app_list_strings
变量都是全局变量,因此可以访问。 $app_strings
和 $app_list_strings
将仅包含当前模块的字符串(有关其他访问方式,请参见下一节 $mod_strings
function someFunction(){
global $mod_strings, $app_strings, $app_list_strings;
* Grab the label LBL_NAME for the current module
* In most modules this will be the label for the
* name field of the module.
$modLabel = $mod_strings['LBL_NAME'];
$appLabel = $app_strings['LBL_GENERATE_LETTER'];
* Unlike the previous two examples $appListLabel will be an
* array of the dropdowns keys to it's display labels.
$appListLabel = $app_list_strings['aos_quotes_type_dom'];
//Here we just log out the strings
$GLOBALS['log']->debug("The module label is $modLabel");
$GLOBALS['log']->debug("The app label is $appLabel");
$GLOBALS['log']->debug("The app list label is ".print_r($appListLabel,1));